We have entered the era of fragmented information
Our daily reports by phone, blog, search engines, news websites, instant messaging and other means to
obtain information. We all live in space for information,
Look at the TV dinner, in the buses with their mobile phones on microblogging. The amount of information
so large that we get information so easy, even we develop a bad habit
: Documents more than 20, we have not the patience to read.
Every day we read a lot of superficial information. However, in addition to some additional conversation,
the retrospect, does not seem to remember many things.
Lack of attention of the Internet age
In 1971, economist Herbert Simon (Herbert A. Simon) on the lack of attention on the disease of modern man
to make the best diagnosis: information consumption is the recipient
Attention. Therefore, the information amassed necessarily mean lack of attention.
Internet era, the exponential explosion, but the human brain does not - the human brain can only handle
110 bytes per second of information, life, but also 173 000 000 000 bytes
Ancient Yuan Mei wrote: can not read the book non-use also. Reading and a child, the encounter did not
know the words, parents are encouraged to look up the dictionary, and not directly tell their parents,
Also aims to deepen the impression, to more easily remember words. The Internet allows easy access to all
kinds of information, fresh thing too, is our lack of attention to the Department of
The Reason.
What is the future we need to
Whether or not we are ready to meet the information fragmented times, it has become a development trend.
In this era, we need information aggregation tools to help
Help us organize information, management information. Such as RSS reader, such as Wikipedia and so on.
This class will be the indispensable tool for every Internet users.
Information technology to promote the fragmentation of information will be sought by the advance of
information technology integration. Enhanced information integration is the future we need. We need to do
their own
, It is time to adapt to the fragmentation of information, information systems from the debris, we want
access to knowledge, rather than being distracted by too much debris.